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By Tirinete
#45263 I'm trying to use the GPIO00 and 02 as an output, but, on start up, they're linked in a circuit with a transistor that triggers a 5v relay.

The problem is, when the esp8266 is starting, the GPIO's are linked in base pin of the transistor, and so, doesn't run the firmware, doesn't start the logic inside him.

I googled, i searched here in this forum, but, nothing that i read, helped me to resolve this question.

I know that i can use the I2C to expand the IO's, but, i don't want.

What can i do about this?

Sorry about my poor english.


J Moura.
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By martinayotte
#45277 Your searches were not thoroughly done, because there are plenty of questions/answers about this subject.

First, lets explain GPIO behaviour when used as output :


Now, since you are using a transistor to drive the relay :


In conclusion, the GPIO idle state should always be the same level as the require Boot state.
Since both GPIO2/GPIO0 need to be HIGH for proper boot, your relay circuit need to be HIGH when relay is OFF, so as explain in the last link, you need 2 NPN transistors, the first one to invert the GPIO level, and the second to drive the current to the relay. Those NPN can also be replaced by MOSFETs.
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By mike005
#66632 thanks martin for useful information...I'm facing the same problem with GPIO 0, 15, 10 & 16 i mean realys trun on for almost 1 second while reset. how can i solve this problem for GPIO10 & 16. by the way i'm using ULN2003 to trigger 12v relays.

thanks in advance,