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By Dosman
#45272 Hello everybody,
I just bought an ESP 12-Q and I wonder which outputs I can use without problems.
Is there a problem using GPIO0, GPIO2 and GPIO15 ?
Can I use GPIO9 and GPIO10 ?
Thanks in advance for your answers.

(sorry if I make some mistakes but english is not my native language...)
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By martinayotte
#45288 The GPIO15/GPIO2/GPIO0 are used to determine boot mode at reset or power-up.
They can still be used as GPIOs after the boot is done. But you need to be careful about the boot state.
Here are sveral thread explaining how to connect LED or Relay for example :

For GPIO9/GPIO10, they are used by the Flash in QIO mode, but they can become available with some hardware modifications and using the Flash in DIO mode only (a bit slower though than QIO), here is the explanation : ... and-gpio10