A place to put your YouTube video that is ESP8266 related.

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By Nightmystic
Barnabybear wrote:Hi,
GPIO 0 & 2 pulled high, GPIO15 pulled low - ESP runs the previously loaded sketch (normal / run mode).
GPIO 2 pulled high, GPIO 0 & 15 pulled low - ESP can be flashed with a sketch (flash mode).

When I connect 0 directly to +3.3v it shuts off and the display wont go on again, cannot turn on LED as well. Even when I disconnect +3.3v power first, then connect GPIO 0 directly to 3.3v and connect the power again.
When I connect 0 via 10k to +3.3v it has the same issue as before (still not normal mode).

Barnabybear, do you own the esp13 (wroom 2) yourself?

If so, then I guess mine is probably broken.
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By Nightmystic
Barnabybear wrote:Hi, can you post a quick schematic of how you are connecting you display and LEDs please. It sounds as if it could be the screen that is affecting booting.

Thank you for investing your time in helping me resolving the issue.

The display is connected to +3.3.v and GND, SDA to GPIO 4 and SCL to GPIO 5, but when I disconnect the screen completely, the issue remains the same.