General area when it fits no where else

Moderator: Mmiscool

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By Hooter
#46117 As a bloke in my 60's I certainly appreciate all the work that has been done here with ESPBasic.
I have a working ESP8266 - 07 controlling a couple of relays from my phone connected via the local WiFi network.
I am having a bit of difficulty getting access to it from outside my local/private network as my router and
all devices connected to it are in the 10.1.1.x range.
I have other devices I can connect to from outside using a DYN-DNS url.
Could someone please assist my grey matter on how I can address my ESP8266 in the 10.1.1.x range please.
Any assistance would be appreciated. ;)
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By Mmiscool
#46124 To make the esp8266 accessable outside of your local network you will have to do some port forwarding on your router. Your router has an ip address asigned to it from your internet provider. This external ip address stops at your router. You must forward port 80 from your router to port 80 of the esp device on your internal network.

The configuration is different for each router brand. You may find the info in the following link.

If nlt just google the make and model of your router and the words port forwarding. ... ur-router/
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By ilc
#46133 Are you using a VPN to access your home network? If so, join your ESP to your home network as a station using the connect command, and then use that address (most likely 192.168.1.x, making it static makes it easier to connect later).