Downloading and installing the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By martinayotte
#46569 The whole things here is that IDE 1.6.7 as well as 1.6.8 introduced "pre-compiling" which is done on every compile, even if you don't touch any files. It is completely stupid ! We will have to wait to see 1.6.9 is more intelligent ... :ugeek:

Fortunately, I'm still using 1.6.5, my tests with 1.6.8 were done few weeks ago under STM32 platform, not related with ESPs, and I was brillant enough to have done those inside a VM before screwing by main workstation.
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By krzychb
#46571 @martinayotte,

Your steady reservation towards releases past 1.6.5 is getting another well documented evidence :D


This is great news you were able to set up PlatformIO and confirm substantial improvement of build time with the same h/w.

To have the full picture I could not skip the comparison with Arduino IDE.
I did it using your sketch, esp8266 core 2.2.0 and still the same PC as before:

For Arduino IDE 1.6.8 I got the following results:
- Complete build: 32s
- Recompile w/o any changes: 13s
- Recompile w/ main sketch changed: 13s

For Arduino IDE 1.6.5-r5:
- Complete build: 24s
- Recompile w/o any changes: 4s
- Recompile w/ main sketch changed: 4s

Above results comparing with yours may indicate possible additional issue with Arduino IDE 1.6.8 that is specific to MacOS.

With this test I believe we have beaten this issue to death :D

The good news is that we are not forced to use single IDE for ESP8266 / Arduino developement and there are legitimate options to choose from.

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By picstart
#46586 Well I took a quick try at installing PlatformIO on win10 64 pro. It bombed but it also is unpleasantly an oozer. You can't confine PlatformIO to a single folder...this means complete backups of PlatformIO are more complicated and moving it to a Thumb drive to take with you is probably not worth trying. I have tera bytes of disc space and I often prefer to version IDE's and compilers by containing them to a single folder named by me . The oozing into the OS specific folders may be of value in a single PC multiple user situation or a server situation but rarely does anyone need it for a home PC. I'll stick with the Arduino IDE since it can be contained to a folder name I get to choose. Not one chosen by my OS vendor. I select against software that doesn't allow me to control where it is housed. The single folder approach often avoids the dll...hell that results when different apps share a common chunk of dll code; the update by one application blows up the shared application. You can waste oodles of time only to discover that presumably unrelated software you installed yesterday creates bugs in the code you just wrote. So what if it costs me an extra 100 megs to have separate folders you can get 2 tera bytes for under $200.
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By gerardwr
krzychb wrote:This is great news you were able to set up PlatformIO and confirm substantial improvement of build time with the same h/w.


Above results comparing with yours may indicate possible additional issue with Arduino IDE 1.6.8 that is specific to MacOS.

With this test I believe we have beaten this issue to death :D

Well, almost!

Your conclusion that the issue re. long "Recompile Main sketch changed" maybe Mac OS specific is a shocker. Or maybe specific for MY Mac :-(

Besides, I was dazzled by the different benchmark figures in the replies so:
- I reinstalled Arduino 1.6.8 after deleting the Arduino15 folder, and reconfigured for Esp8266 with Board Manager.
- I repeated my own benchmark tests (several times) to make sure I did not make a mistake in my previous tests, and saw some changes
- I compiled all benchmark tests in 1 table, here it is:

Schermafbeelding 2016-04-30 om 23.17.31.png

My conclusions:
- Arduino 1.6.8 compiles appr. 30% slower than Arduino 1.6.5. for a Complete Build
- Arduino 1.6.8 compiles appr. 300% slower than Arduino 1.6.5. for a Recompile w/o changes
- On my Mac : Arduino 1.6.8 compiles appr. 700% slower than Arduino 1.6.5. for a Recompile Main sketch changed.
- PlaformIO build time is similar to Arduino 1.6.5
- Eclipse is slightly slower than Arduino 1.6.5

So, for a speedy development cycle Arduino 1.6.5 is the way to go, or PlatformIO for a similar performance. Upgrading to Arduino 1.6.8 could result in a 300% slower compile time, and even 700% slower if you're on a Mac.

Now we can get on with our lives ;-)
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