I started learning c++ in December, I finished my first Arduino project around early February and after that I took on a second one, building a clock that displays time, date, news feeds, train departure times, weather current conditions, forecasts etc. combining a Mega with an ESP8266. The clock has been more or less finished but now I am struggling already for 6 weeks to read everything about a way to change various settings via a web interface that should be kept in various html files saved on SPIFFS on the ESP. The ssid and password to the WLAN, choosing of colors of the various texts, text scroll speed, choice of weather locations, update timings, brightness, etc. etc. All in all I spent more time on learning how to change settings than it has cost me to program the whole thing thus far.
I have collected a pile of prints from all kinds of sources but everyone seems to do it differently, using various protocols and libraries. The more I print, the less I seem to be able to get a grip on the material, the HTML, CSS, Java, etc. I am leaning towards using websockets, and I guess I'll start with a simple html page by removing everything what I think is irrelevant (for my purpose) from an existing example and then take it from there...
@bbx10node: thanks for your assistance in clearing some things up. Would you perhaps know what ESP8266WiFiMulti does? I assume I can do without it as I only need one person at a time to change the settings.
@rudy: thanks, thinking about myself as an early adopter makes me feel less lost. I guess you are right, and I have likely been too impatient.