I prepared a little demo program showing how use the new IR functions available with the alpha 21.
The code is the following :
wprint |<p>Click on any key to send the code:</p>|
wprint |<img src="/file?file=nokia_rc202_2.jpg" width="343" height="788" alt="Nokia" usemap="#keymap">|
wprint |<map name="keymap">|
wprint | <area shape="rect" coords=" 50,135,100,160" onclick="sendIR('ON')">|
wprint | <area shape="rect" coords="180,135,225,160" onclick="sendIR('TV')">|
wprint | <area shape="rect" coords=" 50,180,100,200" onclick="sendIR('CLOCK')">|
wprint | <area shape="rect" coords="120,180,160,200" onclick="sendIR('1')">|
wprint | <area shape="rect" coords="180,180,225,200" onclick="sendIR('2')">|
wprint | <area shape="rect" coords="245,180,290,200" onclick="sendIR('3')">|
wprint | <area shape="rect" coords=" 50,230,100,255" onclick="sendIR('TIMER')">|
wprint | <area shape="rect" coords="120,230,160,255" onclick="sendIR('4')">|
wprint | <area shape="rect" coords="180,230,225,255" onclick="sendIR('5')">|
wprint | <area shape="rect" coords="245,230,290,255" onclick="sendIR('6')">|
wprint | <area shape="rect" coords=" 50,280,100,300" onclick="sendIR('CL')">|
wprint | <area shape="rect" coords="120,280,160,300" onclick="sendIR('7')">|
wprint | <area shape="rect" coords="180,280,225,300" onclick="sendIR('8')">|
wprint | <area shape="rect" coords="245,280,290,300" onclick="sendIR('9')"> |
wprint | <area shape="rect" coords=" 50,325,100,350" onclick="sendIR('VPS')">|
wprint | <area shape="rect" coords="120,325,160,350" onclick="sendIR('CH-')">|
wprint | <area shape="rect" coords="180,325,225,350" onclick="sendIR('0')">|
wprint | <area shape="rect" coords="245,325,290,350" onclick="sendIR('CH+')">|
wprint | <area shape="rect" coords=" 50,370,100,395" onclick="sendIR('ATR')">|
wprint | <area shape="rect" coords="120,370,160,395" onclick="sendIR('REW')"> |
wprint | <area shape="rect" coords="180,370,225,395" onclick="sendIR('PLAY')">|
wprint | <area shape="rect" coords="245,370,290,395" onclick="sendIR('FF')"> |
wprint | <area shape="rect" coords=" 50,420,100,445" onclick="sendIR('REC')">|
wprint | <area shape="rect" coords="120,420,160,445" onclick="sendIR('REC')">|
wprint | <area shape="rect" coords="180,420,225,445" onclick="sendIR('STOP')">|
wprint | <area shape="rect" coords="245,420,290,445" onclick="sendIR('PAUSE')">|
wprint | <area shape="rect" coords=" 50,470,100,495" onclick="sendIR('CODE')">|
wprint | <area shape="rect" coords="120,470,160,495" onclick="sendIR('INDEX')">|
wprint | <area shape="rect" coords="180,470,225,495" onclick="sendIR('COUNTER')">|
wprint | <area shape="rect" coords="245,470,290,495" onclick="sendIR('MEMORY')">|
wprint |</map>|
wprint |<script>|
wprint |function sendIR(key)|
wprint |{|
wprint | window.event.returnValue = false;|
wprint | var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();|
wprint | xmlHttp.open("GET", "msg?IR=" + key, false);|
wprint | xmlHttp.send(null);|
wprint | return xmlHttp.responseText;|
wprint |}|
wprint |</script>|
wprint |</body>|
wprint |</html>|
msgbranch [message]
'set infrared transmitter
ir.send.init(15) 'nota: this command will be renamed to ir.send.setup() in next version
ir.recv.init(5) 'nota: this command will be renamed to ir.recv.setup() in next version
irbranch [ircode]
msgget "IR" k
'uncomment this line to see the IR controller key pressed
serialprintln k
if k = "1" then ir.send.nec("8c7320df",32)
if k = "2" then ir.send.nec("8c73a05f",32)
if k = "3" then ir.send.nec("8c73609f",32)
if k = "4" then ir.send.nec("8c73e01f",32)
if k = "5" then ir.send.nec("8c7330cf",32)
if k = "6" then ir.send.nec("8c73b04f",32)
if k = "7" then ir.send.nec("8c73708f",32)
if k = "8" then ir.send.nec("8c73f00f",32)
if k = "9" then ir.send.nec("8c7338c7",32)
if k = "0" then ir.send.nec("8c73b847",32)
if k = "REW" then ir.send.nec("8c7348b7",32)
if k = "PLAY" then ir.send.nec("8c7328d7",32)
if k = "FF" then ir.send.nec("8c73c837",32)
if k = "STOP" then ir.send.nec("8c7308f7",32)
if k = "PAUSE" then ir.send.nec("8c738877",32)
r = ir.recv.get()
'this will print the IR code received
serialprintln r
To make it works properly, you must download the image attached and upload it in the ESP module using the [FILE MANAGER].
The demo works with a IR led connected on the pin 15 and, optionally, an IR receiver connected on the pin 5.
Running the program you'll be able to click any key on the remote controller and the corresponding NEC code will be sent through the LED; optionally, if an IR receiver is connected, the code sent will be echoed as it will be received at the same time.
This demo code is very simple and shows also how create many buttons simply using one image and a little bit of HTML (and also a very little bit of javascript).
Hope this will illuminate the dark side of the ESP (with infrared light).
PS : I tested with chrome, could not work with firefox BUT works great on Iphone! Try it.