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By Sucram
#19384 Hello world,

after posting at Reddit I figured I should post here :-)

I volunteer at a school and occasionally build robots with students (grade 5 to 7) - due to limited time and resources I try to keep things simple.

The ESP8266 seems like the right choice! Sadly my modules have not arrived yet, but I want to provide my students with the Wifi modules before summer break.

After searching around I have found RoboRemoFree, which lets you build your own interface without programming, e.g. a Light-switch or two sliders to control a rc car. Enabling them to easily build their remote interface would be great. Also I have little experience with making Android Apps, so a solution like this would save me a lot of time.

The RoboRemo ESP8266 demos utilize Lua, but I am not familiar with it. RoboRemo seems to send data rather simply (e.g. -> Slider1 255\n Slider2 123\n).

All I would need is something like analogWrite(PinA, ValueA);, so nothing fancy.

Would this work with RoboRemo and just the IDE, or can someone recommend another App or solution? I was hoping that my students do not have to learn Lua, or create their own Android App from scratch.
Is a easy solution possible?
e.g. include library -> read/store value sent by RoboRemo and assign the value to a variable, write output to pin.

It does not even have to be PWM, on/off would do :-)

Sorry for my long post, I would appreciate any help on the subject so I can prepare the projects when the modules arrive next week. :-) It would be amazing to use a ~2€ module and H-Bridge/Transistors to create a simple RC car, boat, LED light, or whatever my students come up with!
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By Sucram
#20976 I figured it out after receiving my ESP boards, here a quick sample for anyone finding this via Google. It's just a Simple hack of the Wifi server and pretty ugly, but you get the idea. A LED on GPIO2 will change it's blinking pattern and pause.

After Serial.println("new client"); just put in
Code: Select allwhile(!client.available()){

// simple hack to test stuff, infinite ~~sheldon~~ err, loop

 // Read the first line of the request
String stuff=client.readStringUntil('\r'); //output of RoboRemoFree is ID[space]Number[linebreak]


// dertermin if slider "o"ne or "t"wo is moved. / convert last numbers transmitted to an integer
if(stuff.substring(0,1)=="o"){ numberOfTimes=stuff.substring(4,7).toInt();} 
if(stuff.substring(0,1)=="t"){ delayBetweenBlinks=stuff.substring(4,7).toInt();}

   //blink the LED a number of times depending on the slider position
   for (int i=0; i <= map(numberOfTimes, 0, 255, 0, 5); i++){
   digitalWrite(2,HIGH); //quick blink

delay(delayBetweenBlinks*8); //slider two will delay between blink sequence

delay(50);//just to give the ESP some time to do other stuff

In RoboRemoFree I have created two sliders (id's: "one" and "two", 0-255).
I used the Tethering function, so the ESP8266 connects to the phone.
After the ESP connects to the phone I just connect to it's IP, port 80, e.g.
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By leonardo
#38920 have you figured out ?

i have an arduino uno robot with an l298n H bridge, and an ESP01 module, wich i can control over WiFi using HTML... i want to get a better controlling mode... how do i use RoboRemo in my robot ?