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By Patch
elektronika_ba wrote:Oh man I wish they publish the source for this AT application, it needs some serious work.

yes, it's frustrating.

On the cusp of migrating a project from nRF24L01+ to the ESP, even though I already have the first batch of (project x) v1.0 PCBs in hand; if firmware matures to 'usable' in the next few weeks I'll do so, otherwise :-(

One wonders, had they released the source, what we'd have had by now. Seems there are some plenty smart people on these boards already hacking at it.
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By elektronika_ba
Patch wrote:...if firmware matures to 'usable' in the next few weeks I'll do so, otherwise :-(

:D couldn't agree more.

Yes, there are smart people working on that right now. I downloaded the "VirtualMachine image" for development with this chip and will test it out tonight... found the link here: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=13