Example sketches for the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By danbicks
#47514 @electronicsguy,

This is awesome work buddy. How easy would this be to have a spreadsheet, the first column is ChipID of an ESP8266, the ESP connects to Google spreadsheet to check that it's Chip id is in column 1 if so it then the user program. This would act as a nice form of license validation.

Is there a guide to set permissions, table setup etc and acquire Script ID's?

Your example works, trying to replicate this on my Google account is another matter.


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By electronicsguy
#47543 @danbicks Thanks! as vcch pointed out, the redirection is required to get data back from google. Yes I am writing a module which will make it very easy to add it to a spreadsheet and get all the required info to start logging. Will keep you updated. I'll make a guide as well.