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By hackrid
#476 be aware, that no sources for the UART<->WIFI application are available. You wont be able to achieve the wanted functionality with the VM.
Unitl now, we have to hope and wait that the UART<->WIFI code gets released some how.
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By elektronika_ba
#477 Correct. I wouldn't mind trying to write my own UART<->WIFI using the provided VM image. I would love to give it a go if the Espressif's IoT example can compile and load onto the ESP8266 module from, and if there is an example of establishing a TCP socket connection, a way to discover nearby AP's and so on... I can't access that VM until I get home from work tonight to see what's in there. Maybe the chip itself provides all that functionality (or the library from Espressif that is on that VM) and all that needs to be done is wrap it with a custom "AT engine"... maybe.
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By tinhead
#481 i do have source of that UART-WIFIm but they can't be compiled with leaked SDK (i did tried to fix that, but there are lot of wifi functions not existing in v0.6 libs, so no chance). However, i did compiled it, so ppl who wish to update their module may download it here viewtopic.php?f=6&t=39&p=480#p480
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By hackrid
#482 Did you get a new vm by signing the NDA? Or how are you able to compile it?

Do you have specs of the chip? I/O current, max spi speed, timer features (dma etc), memory organization?