Example sketches for the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By schufti
#39554 @WereCatf:
" WiFi.forceSleepEnd()" doesn't compile with staging 2.1.0-rc1

can SB shed some light on the modem status after " WiFi.mode(WIFI_OFF); "?
Maybe esp8266 can "automagically" be put in modem-sleep with WIFI_OFF?

Edit: I think it should be "WiFi.forceSleepWake();"
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By ChrisDaneOwens
#47780 Hey all,

WiFi.forceSleepWake(); seems to work just fine now :-)

I was wondering though if you guys have any idea if it's possible to connect any faster to my wi-fi after i wake up the ESP from light (modem) sleep.

Right now it takes about 4 seconds from modem wake-up to establishing a connection with wi-fi. I know that's pretty fast already, but let's say i want to do some real-time interaction stuff with the ESP, then 4 seconds feels like a lot of 'lag'...

Is it even possible to connect to a wi-fi network within - let's say - 2 seconds after waking from from modem sleep??
