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By jonshouse
After periodic authentication the esp stop listening to broadcast messages, in my case address resolution (ARP)

Ok, I will see if I can duplicate that one.

I am finding with firmware 0018000902 that the device resets itself when large volumes of UDP data are sent to it.

I see rumours of a 903 version of firmware.

I have a file that is *supposed* to be 00903, maybe ....

I have been trying to program it like this
Code: Select all./ write_flash 0x00000 boot.bin
./ write_flash 0x01000 user1.bin
./ write_flash 0x41000 user2.bin
./ write_flash 0x7c000 esp_init_data_default.bin
./ write_flash 0x7e000 blank.bin

I find I need to hard-reset the module between each line, othewrise esptool claims nothing is present, is this normal ?

Once flashed the module outputs "something" but I can find a baud rate that works to talk to it ?

Anyone any ideas where to go from here?

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By katsanevas
#4779 I've observed the same issue when listening to a TCP connection with the 00903 version of the SDK. I suppose that if it's not a hardware issue, it definitely has to do with the SDK libraries and unfortunately most of them are not open source. So we can just hope that Espressif may fix this problem in the future. In the mean time I've ordered another version of the board.

Does anyone else have the same problem?