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By elektronika_ba
#483 I have to update my module so I will give it a try. My module is the first version from so I don't have CH_PD pin... I have to figure out how to upload new firmware onto it.
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By tinhead
elektronika_ba wrote:I have to update my module so I will give it a try. My module is the first version from so I don't have CH_PD pin... I have to figure out how to upload new firmware onto it.

well, it is only GPIO0 and GPIO2 you need to play with. There is leaked documentation, it does describe the flash programming as well

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By hackrid
#486 My guess is that you can jump to the bootloader by an at command. The guys with the NDA signed probably know more about that ;)

And if it's not possible, this is a prio 0 task to add to the uart fw. Any thoughts on how to jump to the internal application aka boot loader?
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By tinhead
hackrid wrote:Did you get a new vm by signing the NDA? Or how are you able to compile it?
Do you have specs of the chip? I/O current, max spi speed, timer features (dma etc), memory organization?

if i could, i would tell you. But all that information is under NDA. All i can tell you is that there is less than hoped, but enought to work with it (and to get things compiled). The good thing, they working on Open Source version. And for those who really wish get deep into SoC hardware they providing as well (on request) lot of technical informations.