So my question is which would be the best way to setup a server to handle requests...
While I was thinking about it I thought the cheap way would be to have a server with a bunch of separate html pages each having an Iframe for each request and just serve the pages which in turn would load the iframe.
This is dirty and this is cheap but I assume it would work just fine. Or maybe it would not because the iframe may only load what is local on my network vs what is on the servers network...
So I am pondering on the best way to do it either at home or away and I haven't really come up with any solutions worth a mention. The bummer is that I will want the server not only to do get requests but post data as well from say temp sensors etc...
The need for such a thing is relatively newish for me mainly I have used servers to serve basic web pages and scripts forums etc my knowledge of getting data from other locations on the local network is fairly vague. Or at least not in this manner getting info from esp's etc... I'm sure I've done similar things but I am drawing a blank tonight.
Would be cool to get some pointers if anyone has some ideas they care to share or part with I do have a raspberry pi I suppose I would not mind putting to use a version 2 should handle the job fairly well I believe.
Where I buy my ESP8266 boards from... (Banggood)