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By forlotto
#49309 Just photoshop out the hydroponically grown plants or cover them up with a censored label lol!

Nahh but really this would be good for hydroponics I thought of doing an indoor hydroponic garden with tomatoes for the winter I love fresh tomatoes but all of the overhead extra heat pumps lighting etc I would be paying for each month to keep the upper level warmer and lit up etc ... I just don't have it in my budget.
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By russm
#49325 Here are some pictures, controller and controller with aquarium.


It's on my son's aquarium, just one light but I'm using the second relay to control a pump which blows water around the aquarium for parts of the day. You just can't beat this thing for $6.00

The next phase is to allow adding multiple on/off times for each relay. I'll maintain it in a list/array of some type. Need to figure out an easy to use display for it. May have to limit the number of cycles (maybe a max of 10 each)
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By forlotto
#49349 Excellent yes would be interesting with the timer I'm interested in possibly doing a weekly timer at some point for now not on top of priority listing so much other stuff to learn and do baby steps.

Curious as to what relay you are using in that nice enclosure.

I remember someone posted a link to a cheap enclosed relay a while back can't seem to find the link anymore...

Anyways thanks for sharing this is what the basic community is about. On online maker space so to speak. Its cool to get online and relay some ideas, get some questions answered, help others find answers, etc... All from the comfort of your home as well gotta love it.

Thanks for sharing.
Do you have any screenshots of your code running via greenshot?
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By russm
#49359 This is a completely off the shelf device from Electrodragon: and at $6.00 including the enclosure it is a real bargain! Just add 110V AC wiring (plugs, etc.). It's a tight fit so some modification of the enclosure might be necessary. Oh, you can add a DHT device as well, didn't do that but will on one of my other ones.

The code should run on any NodeMCU or ESP12 type device. Should give you a look at the simple interface. I'm accommodating some gaps in the current alpha version which I know will eventually be addressed. Very capable SW.