Downloading and installing the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By bgowland
#49421 I've been trying for two days to get Arduino SDK on my Pi Zero so I can use it with a Pimoroni ESP IoT pHAT.

The standard "sudo apt-get install arduino" installs an old version which doesn't have the option to "Add additional boards..." needed to add the ESP modules.

Downloading the tar.xz files for either Linux 32bit or ARM don't work after installation.

Any help appreciated if anyone has this working.

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By SteveSpencer
#49541 Uninstall the older version. Then go to and download the Linux ARM version.
After that, you should have 1.6.9 installed.

However, I don't know whether the ESP8266 package includes the ARM Linux tool-chain binaries. Right now I am too busy work-wise to go through this process myself, although I intend to. I have built the esp-open-sdk packages on Pi2 and Pi3, but not on a Pi Zero.

The guys at Pimoroni are very helpful, do they not have any advice?

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By GengusKahn
#49563 The IDE should be downloaded from here...

The ESP Tools and Specific Libraries etc...(follow instructions to clone the GitHub)