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By bubba198
#48671 Hi everyone,

I'm using the latest LUA built with the latest SDK. I've noticed that LUA Wi Fi module doesn't survive Wi Fi channel change. Basically it looses network connectivity indefinitely. Is there a way around that?

I've noticed that other devices such as Android tablets or Linux boxes do survive channel change and shortly after re-connect to the network just fine on the new channel.

The LUA Wi Fi module is very good in re-connecting if the Wi Fi disappears for example and it comes back. However this channel change business is where I see a problem which I am hoping to solve -- yes I know this isn't common, who changes channels, etc but let's get beyond that and do embrace the use case at hand and assist me with some good ideas!

Thank you!
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By marcelstoer
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By forlotto
#49580 I had often wondered about this for reasons of better isolation from other devices as well and if it was possible to select different channels hardly something that should be just you looking for some answers on this and is a bit more important than just a single use case imho. It may help improve the distance on some of these devices I also had another wonder if anyone soldered an SMA connector and threw an antenna on their board as well to improve the signal quality as well?