Downloading and installing the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By schufti
#49929 Hi,
I appreciate the hard work from the people supplying us with the magic behind the boardmanager for the Arduino IDE.
Sometimes I want to know a little more about the "inner workings" but don't have the wits to grasp the whole picture.
At the moment I am stuck with the problem that the last version of esp8266 package comes with SDK 1.5.3 from April that has several severe flaws. So severe that they released two new versions this month.

I know that the dev's are allwasy busy and can't provide updates or staging versions immediately, so I would like to know if it is possible and what actions are necessary to just replace the SDK bits in the ...\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.3.0 path.

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By martinayotte
#49932 Yes, the SDK is located in packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.3.0/tools/sdk, subfolder lwip is built by @igrr, but include and lib are the ones coming from Espressif SDK.
Beware that code change in the core files are assuming an specific SDK, therefore you can not revert back to older SDKs such as 1.5.1 for example, but if a newer 1.5.3 came out, of course, it should work !
(Also, make sure to make backups before ... ;) )
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By schufti
#49944 Hi,
so the missing libstdc++.a and all the .ld files can just be copied to the new sdk?

That's what I thought and hoped. I just feared that some other prebuilt component (e.g. libhal.a) may be linked with parts from the sdk and might have needed to be built anew.


p.s.: I'm aware that this will fail if some parameters etc of the included library functions change ...