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By alonewolfx2
#4599 I am testing and developing iot rtos SDK and I think it's powerful because multitasking and free 42k ram very good. but I found some bugs. Udhcp a little buggy. Anyone tried?
I wish we can use like at firmware but on the wifi.
Now it can start in stationAp mode with standalone lwip socket server and I can do some operations on the socket. (gpio control, connecting router, restart, deepsleep, )
And I am planning to a small command set like interpreter)
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By Baoshi
#4733 I found udhcpd_start() must be called as late as in user_init, just before xTaskCreates. If I insert some lengthly function in between udncpd_start and xTaskCreate, dhcpd will fail to issue IP address. Guess the dhcpd task cannot be interrupted for too long.
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By alonewolfx2
Baoshi wrote:I found udhcpd_start() must be called as late as in user_init, just before xTaskCreates. If I insert some lengthly function in between udncpd_start and xTaskCreate, dhcpd will fail to issue IP address. Guess the dhcpd task cannot be interrupted for too long.

I didn't add anything between xtask and udhcp but it still fail. I don't know why. Rtos SDK new and buggy I think