Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By Gutty
#49404 Hi friends,
I have a strange problem.
My sketck (Arduino IDE 165) work fine on MCUNODE and ESP01 and others.
Now I bought 2 Sonoff modules from Itead. I flash the sketck, connects to AP, everithing ok. GPIOoo released of course.
I disconnect and reconnect power, does no more connect to AP. Flash again the same sketck, no way in, doesn't connect.
Change the sketch to another AP, flash to Sonoff, connects, works well. I disconnect and reconnect power, does no more connect to this AP.

Only the FIRST connect works, then never ever more connects to the same AP.
Tested with the second Sonoff, exactly the same behaviour.

Any idea?

Tested with 3 different sketckes, always the same as described above. And all these sketches run on nodemcu with no problems. So I don't believe on an error in the sketck.
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By rmhome
#50383 Gutty,

Did you ever get to the bottom of this? I've just recieved a bunch of Sonoff's and having the same problem with my code. The code is working on other devices (custom ESP12-E controllers) and I've tried different SDK versions (up to 1.5.4).
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By garvarma
#57790 Hi,

I have a sonoff and i flased memory with espeasy. During few days just plugged in electricity, worked well. Then i wanted to connect a DHT sensor to the GPIO14, and after that, i unpluged and then plug to 220V electricity and device don't charge firmware.

Only when i connect 5V ftdi to the pin.

Anyone solve this problem?
