I'm new here - first post woohoo. Anyways, i've been getting my feet wet a bit with the ESP-01 and with the Blynk app. Just exploring at this stage and what I've gotten up to so far is to get a DHT22 linked up to the ESP-01 and to get the data through the Blynk app and to trend it using the Blynk app.
I was inspired by This Project so I decided that I wanted to try my hand at getting an internet connected relay module also using the Blynk app. So first off, what am I doing and what am I using:
Processor: ESP-01 Module
Breadboard Power Supply Module
Relay Module
The relay module activates the relay when a low input is given to the trigger so I had to write my code a bit in reverse.
For my push button input I followed the same wiring in the mentioned project except that I utilized a 12k resistor instead of a 1k resistor (Link to wiring picture). I also initially tried to us GPIO 0 as my button input and GPIO 2 as my relay trigger output. Unfortunately I couldn't get any response using GPIO 0 as my button input so I switched it around so that GPIO 2 is my button input and GPIO 0 is my relay trigger output.
My code as follows:
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>
char auth[] = "********************************************************";
int Output_1 = 0;
int Input_1 = 2;
WidgetLED Virtual_LED_1 = 1;
int Button_State = 0;
int Prev_Button_State = 0;
int Relay_State = 0;
int Virtual_LED_State = 0;
int Virtual_Button_State = 0;
int Time_Interval = 1000;
int Previous_Millis = 0;
void setup()
Blynk.begin(auth, "**************", "************");
while (Blynk.connect() == false) // Go into a while program until Blynk has connected to prevent wrongly reported switch values
yield(); // Do (almost) nothing -- yield to allow ESP8266 background functions
pinMode(Output_1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Input_1, INPUT);
digitalWrite(Input_1, HIGH); // Have to write this pin high before entering the void loop otherwise this pin will be grounded
void loop()
Blynk.run(); // Initiates Blynk
Button_State = digitalRead(Input_1);
if((Button_State == LOW ) || (Virtual_Button_State == HIGH)) //((Button_State == HIGH && Prev_Button_State == 0) || (Virtual_Button_State == HIGH))
Relay_State = 1;
Prev_Button_State = 1;
if((Button_State == LOW ) || (Virtual_Button_State == LOW))
Relay_State = 0;
Prev_Button_State = 0;
if(millis() - Previous_Millis > Time_Interval)
Previous_Millis = millis();
if(Relay_State == 1)
digitalWrite(Output_1, LOW); // Relay module triggers high with a LOW input
if(Relay_State == 0)
digitalWrite(Output_1, HIGH);
Virtual_LED_State = digitalRead(Output_1);
if(Virtual_LED_State == LOW)
Virtual_Button_State = param.asInt(); // Get the state of the VButton
Everything works the way it should when I utilise only the app to control the relay output. But for the life of me I can't figure out how to use the push button input. Using the above mentioned wiring I know that I'm forcing my input from a high to a low so I should look for a low input on my input pin.
When I activate the relay using the app and then push the button, then whilst the button is engaged, the relay is disengaged. I figured out that since the Virtual_Button_State value was still high that it bypassed my press of the button:
if((Button_State == LOW ) || (Virtual_Button_State == LOW))
So I've removed the " || (Virtual_Button_State == LOW))" from my if statement to try and see whether I could get the system to work with only the push button but nothing. I only want to focus now on getting the push button to work, so I'm hoping that you guys and girls can give some pointers. Thank you in advance.