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By Barnabybear
#50789 Hi, it's the serial speed that is killing you.
If your running serial at 115,200 bps, with 512 bytes per universe.
512 bytes per universe = 4,096 bits per universe.
4 universes = 16,384 bits per frame.
10 FPS (100mS) = 160,348 bps.
20 FPS (50mS) = 327,680 bps.
40 FPS (25mS) = 655,360 bps.

Basicaly you will only get 2 full universes in real time over a 115,200 bps serial connection and then only at 10 FPS and thats only including data bits.

SPI is faster, I have been able to read 200 universes per second from an SD card, but I'm guessing your already using SPI for your outpit to the pixels.

The Due has 4 serial ports, it's messy but you could hang 4 ESP's off them and Unicast from Vixen.
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By DJRed2000
#50850 I cranked the serial speed all the way up to 2,000,000 bps and it still doesn't work. I am reading the serial data on my PC using an FTDI serial to USB adapter and Putty.

I did a test using an E1.31 test program and everything works fine at 100ms (10 FPS). Anything faster and it gets backed up. It looks like it's a hardware limitation to me. The ESP8266 just can't process the incoming data that fast.