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By Darkeligos
#50919 I'm really excited for the possibilities that this 433MHz transmitter/receiver brings, but I cannot get the receiver to work on the ESP platform. It works well on Arduino using the VirtualWire library, but the same library will not work with my Wemos. I have seen that some people are able to use the RC-Switch library with good results, but I just cannot get it to print out any results; maybe it is a problem with interrupt pin matching.

My VirtualWire compiling errors.

Has anyone had good results with ESP + 433MHz hardware?
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By bbx10node
#50932 VirtualWire is obsolete and has been superceded by RadioHead. I think the errors are caused by AVR code which does not work on ESP8266. RadioHead appears to support ESP8266 but I am not sure which radios are supported.

I am experimenting with RFM69 radios which are available in 433, 915, and 868 MHz versions. Looks good so far.
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By Darkeligos
bbx10node wrote:VirtualWire is obsolete and has been superceded by RadioHead. I think the errors are caused by AVR code which does not work on ESP8266. RadioHead appears to support ESP8266 but I am not sure which radios are supported.

I am experimenting with RFM69 radios which are available in 433, 915, and 868 MHz versions. Looks good so far.

Is there a trick to getting RadioHead to work; even with Arduino?
Using RH_ASK driver(2000, 2, 4, 5);

Using my multimeter, I can see that the data line voltage is actively changing when I'm using the transmitter, however I'm not even getting a single response to Serial with Arduino or ESP.
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By bbx10node
#51008 Sorry, I have not used that radio. I used radiohead with NRF24L01 radios a few years ago. The library worked fine. The radio indoor range was not very good.