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By martinayotte
#51219 Of course a schottky diode is more adequate, but with 1K resistor, it is ok (as mentioned LOW level is around 0.3V).

@AdamMiltonBarker, for history purposes, the fact that you didn't ear much about this fact that direct wires isn't good, it is because this case of non-working external reset during deepSleep() was only discovered last spring when people complains that they are not even able to upload new firmware when modules use RTS/CTS from CH340 or FTDI to control RES/GPIO0, simply because GPIO16 has a strong HIGH during the deepSleep(), while a lot of people (even myself) were thinking that GPIO16 was open-drain until we discovered that was not true. In other word GPIO16 were in fight again external reset and it was the winner.
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By Barnabybear
#51226 Hi schufti & martinayotte, I think the method of connecting RESET and GPIO16 hasn't really been discussed properly and deserves its own post rather than distracting this one. I suggest a new post tomorrow as I think there are some interesting arguments.
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By Joe Job
#51238 BarnabyBear, I couldn't get the solder done so waiting for the 12e's. I did make a device tonight with a DHT using light sleep that wakes up every 3 minutes which is working. You mentioned earlier about powering the sensor when coming out of sleep, not to sure how to do that, is it just a case of switching a gpio high which is connected to the sensors VCC ?