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Moderator: Mmiscool

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By Mmiscool
#52238 Knowing the com port number i was able to figure out i need to have it search for com ports beyond number 32. In the next version of the flasher that will be available tonight it will search for ports going up to 128.
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By forlotto
#52256 First off try mikes new build when it drops seems that what he says would make since.

From my personal woes I will share the following:

When I plug the device in I notice windows detects a serial mouse this causes conflict with me being able to use the com port now this is just something that I have had happen I notice that my coms do not work correctly at this time.

Do me a favor and check this out if it exists uninstall the serial mouse driver reseat the usb and check.

I also did lower my com port from 27 to 19 while this should not be an issue as it appears to work equally on all ports. But what I am thinking is windows may be thinking that there is already a serial mouse on this port thus causing the issue with auto detection. It is so random when it happens to me the first time it happened I sat there dumbfounded for like 30mins trying to make since of it.

Anyways maybe this will help you maybe it won't I do run a different windows OS than most being server 2012. Which is a whole different ball of wax for some hardware getting bluetooth to work for instance was a blast it required a hardware that had a full software driver for everything including the service.

I will cut it off here and hope that this helps but just an observation I thought I would share.