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By zoran404
RogerClark wrote:
Is it ok to use micro batteries like those as power supply?

Probably substantially less than an hour on a button cell

You mean it will last less than a hour on those batteries?
Is it possible to put it to sleep when none of the switches is on? (since I don't need it to do anything at that time)
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By RogerClark
#5258 Yes

You can put the device to sleep when not in use, but you will need to wake it up when a switch is pressed, using an interrupt.

Someone else will need to tell you if the device can do this, especially with multiple buttons.
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By zoran404
RogerClark wrote:You can put the device to sleep when not in use, but you will need to wake it up when a switch is pressed, using an interrupt.

Someone else will need to tell you if the device can do this, especially with multiple buttons.

If I can use interupt from a single button to wake it from sleep I'll find a way to do it with multiple.