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By martinayotte
#53104 If your web page has several javascripts along with images, the problem is probably not the networking, but the fact that you are using ESP8266WebServer which doesn't handle multiple concurrent connections, so they are processed sequencially.
Maybe you should take a look at the ESPAsyncWebServer from Me-No-Dev :
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By bbx10node
Vicne wrote:Is the speed limited by the ESP's hardware or software ?
Could anyone achieve higher speeds or is this close to the maximum of the chip ?

I recall getting much higher speeds on a single TCP socket by writing in chunks of 2*1460. I think 1Mbyte took a little more than 1 second. See if that helps.
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By Vicne
martinayotte wrote:If your web page has several javascripts along with images, the problem is probably not the networking, but the fact that you are using ESP8266WebServer which doesn't handle multiple concurrent connections, so they are processed sequencially.

Hi, martinayotte,
Indeed, that was my basic issue but I now inlined most JS and CSS inside the html, and combined images in a single one using background offsets to only show the desired parts, and I still found the loading painfully slow. That's why my current tests only deal with a single request at a time, returning dummy generated content.
Maybe you should take a look at the ESPAsyncWebServer from Me-No-Dev :

Will sure do.
Should I expect faster download of five 50KB files using ESPAsyncWebServer than a single 250KB file using ESP8266WebServer ?

Kind regards,

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By Vicne
bbx10node wrote:I recall getting much higher speeds on a single TCP socket by writing in chunks of 2*1460. I think 1Mbyte took a little more than 1 second. See if that helps.

Hi, bx10node,
Sounds interesting, although I don't understand why 2*1460 would be better than 1460.
Did you use an HTTP server or just a plain TCP connection ?
Could you by chance share some code ?
Kind regards,
