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Moderator: igrr

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By treii28
#53759 OK, with some playing I see I can add get/url parameters, but the enctype has to be multipart/form-data and I'm using post to do a file upload and it's not really gonna be too helpful if I have to modify the action to send parameters along with the file. Anyone?
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By treii28
#53763 There's not really a lot more to be specific about. I'm trying to handle a form with a file upload to an SD card webserver (based on the SD webserver example and it's upload capability) and I want to also add other form fields. (specifically the path to upload the file into)

If I do int server.args it comes back as zero even though there is a "dir" element in my form. If I add ?dir=something on the end of the form's "action" value, it goes through. But as a form field, it does not.