Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By forlotto
#52934 I would not touch it anything on that chip would be visible with a magnifying glass I would think you can check it by all means but it hasn't been the case for me but I cannot say this is your problem as I say I would try different flashes before modifying and rework to be honest I recall when there was another fella who had the problem you have but I have also seen people have incorrect baud rates set using LUA or not knowing how to use DTR RTS buttons as well.

Once you have eliminated all software issues then do some practice maybe with some old broken electronics possibly before attempting on your nodemcu as I said it does take some practice to get things right. Maybe even lookup some videos on youtube etc excellent resource for putting a picture to all of this stuff but even with the pictures and videos skill building and hands on never hurts.

Curious to see how this all pans out for you It could be a number of things but in my personal experience this is what it has been. Win or fail please share your results as it may aid someone else.

Be sure also to check your windows device manager look for a serial mouse driver this sometimes installs for me and causes conflict.

Finally you can always load up a serial terminal like termite and see what is happening ...

I am curious if your coms are set at the correct speeds and settings and if you are positive you are using the correct com port you could also try switching the port in the case there is a conflict.

Make sure you have the driver as well: ... emite.html

If all else fails thank god these things will not break the bank when purchasing them they are very fairly priced for what they are able to do we can credit a lot of the developers and hackers that originally started this all off for having such a tool at such a price.
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By ChrisSparks
ChrisSparks wrote:Thanks for that link! I did have issues on Windows regarding it being a USB mouse! Now it recognizes it properly with ESPlorer! Woo hoo. Works better and faster than Linux version (but of course I am doing that thru a VM)

Well I build my own firmware and now the serial issues are ridiculous. The ESP is locking up on even a simple file download. Do I have to go back to original firmware?

I was thinking that using LUA is a real PITA. I'd like to program something that just runs on power up and none of this LUA stuff.
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By forlotto
#53873 As far as software I had expirenced a lot of the same issues you did until I moved on from LUA to espbasic do what you feel is best for your projects however might want to just give it a look give it a free good couple of days and use it and see if you like it. Things like com issues do to baud settings and other so far I feel basic fits most of my personal needs. You may wish to evaluate many things on your own for your own needs but the advantages out weigh any disadvantages for me. mmiscool did a great job with basic not to say that it is perfect but it is an evolving thing and I have less of a battle when doing things.

Enjoy and take care unfortunately lots of sends and resets are what helped me with lua as well as baud settings but often files would error out during upload never found a great solution to any of it.