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By picstart
#54066 The arduino esp8266 IDE will use the HSPI pins hardware. HSPI uses fixed pins GPIO 12 13 14.
In setup you need something like this
//SPISettings mySettting(speedMaximum, dataOrder, dataMode)
SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(10000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0));
Since SPI has 4 modes you need to know from the specs the mode for the MCP chip and the endiness for the data plus the max transfer speed
Now the spi transfers need to be preceded by digitalWrite(CSpin, LOW); and followed by digitalWrite(CSpin, HIGH);
if you use a CS pin other than GPIO15
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By phenoboy
picstart wrote:The arduino esp8266 IDE will use the HSPI pins hardware. HSPI uses fixed pins GPIO 12 13 14.
In setup you need something like this
//SPISettings mySettting(speedMaximum, dataOrder, dataMode)
SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(10000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0));
Since SPI has 4 modes you need to know from the specs the mode for the MCP chip and the endiness for the data plus the max transfer speed
Now the spi transfers need to be preceded by digitalWrite(CSpin, LOW); and followed by digitalWrite(CSpin, HIGH);
if you use a CS pin other than GPIO15

Thanks, got it! The MCP_CAN library takes care of asserting CS lines and seems to be quite straightforward to use.

I still don't understand why the board manufacturer put CLK, etc. labels for SPI and not HSPI pins. Got me really confused..