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Moderator: Mmiscool

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By AZinfidel
#54599 ESP8266Basic.cpp.bin Alpha 44 has a misspelling in it. Using Notepad++ to view the code it reads:
Line 6591 (3TABS)tart(websocketServerLocation)
Should be (3TABS)start(websocketServerLocation) ???

i Think the misspelling began around Alpha 41.
Was monitoring a running program using Putty and Chrome Developers console.
After 5 or so minutes chrome console threw an error that the websocket was closing, Putty still said websocket open.
Basic program froze,. GUI became unresponsive


in Chrome dev console, under WebSockets.js LINE 11:

connection.onclose = function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);
document.getElementById("connection_status").value = "Disconnected";
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By Mmiscool
#54613 Posting up a new build tonight that will correct this and allow for specification of ntp server.