- Wed Sep 07, 2016 2:56 pm
Thanks for the response. I had already tried packet sender. It is has issues apart from being a bit obtuse to use. Just as well it was free.
It may possibly send a packet but it doesn't appear to receiver any broadcast packets on xxx.xxx.xxx.255:yyyy ( local lan broadcast).
This may be a win10 issue I can get an android to broad cast a packet but it will not receive a broadcast packet.
The esp8266 seems to have no issue with receiving the broadcast packets and responding to the sender.
Can you confirm that with WIN 10 that you can receive a packet addressed as xxx.xxx.xxx.255 on port yyyy.
where xxx.xxx.xxx are the first part of the local lan addressing scheme.
Wire shark can see the broadcast packets it is just I can't get them into a PC program so far.
The broadcasting esp uses port 4097 when it broadcasts to port yyyy
Src Port 4097 aka patrolview.
Dst Port yyyy aka webtie
The receiving esp sees the sender remote port as 4097 after accepting the broadcast packet