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By 4refr0nt
javiery wrote:
hreintke wrote:LS,
- I am working with a .lua file of around 95 lines.
after saving it 2-3 times everything gets terrible slow and need to restart ESPlorer to get it on speed again.

It's the same with build 200. I have not yet tested the update. My OS is Ubuntu 14.04.

I'm found "everything gets terrible slow" bug - this because terminal or log history too big.
Temporary solve: you must manually clear log and terminal window by pressing CTRL+F1 then CTRL+F2

In future version this bug will be fix.
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By 4refr0nt
TylerDurden wrote:It would be great if you could also communicate with the telnet server on the device - as an alternative for communication through the serial port.
So you could also program devices already in situ.


May be later, when serial communication will working fine and no bugs.
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By hreintke
#5617 LS,
Thanks for your work. Please be assured that my remarks are "just for improving "and not critism.
Working with v0.1 version 203 on windows 8.1

Found the autosave options and have now set them to my likings, didn't look too well earlier I suppose, sorry about that.
The clearing of log and terminal (ctrl F1/F2) does indeed solve the "speed" issue.

`With the snippets : You might consider putting (copies of) the snippets buttons below the file edit and/or the terminal/log window.
As you already noticed I am always looking at ways to reduce mouse/keyboard clicks.
That way you define/test the snippets in the edit tab and they are ready at hand for usage when actual testing/working on your project.
Maybe even an alt-0 to alt-9 option for the first 10 for even quicker start.

Did some testing on an alternative "Save to ESP" routine.
I entered
Code: Select allfile.remove("uploadtest.lua")"uploadtest.lua","w+")

by using alt-B or snippet
with this as uarton.lua
Code: Select alluart.setup( 0, 9600, 8, 0, 1, 0 )
-- do not write first char as that is curremtly the CR or LF from the prvious line
      if string.match(data,"^[\r\n]*quit$") then
        uart.setup( 0, 9600, 8, 0, 1, 1 )
   end, 0)

set ESPorer in "dumb mode"
Then send the code using "Send to ESP" from an open file in the edit tab
unset "dumb mode"
send "quit" to stop the load
send file.close()

First preliminary tests show that this upload methods takes about 30% compared to the "Save to RESP" option.
Will keep you informed.
Noticed that you strip the leading blanks from a line when "send to esp" is that intentional ?
At least is also saves filesize on esp. Maybe also consider that with your current "Save to ESP" ?

Kind regards,
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By 4refr0nt
#5704 New version v0.1 build 204 released.

ChangeLog for this version
    add «AutoReConnect» feature: after port open on 9600, you can easy change port speed to other baud rate without running snippet
    add new settings: max size for log and max size for terminal history for fixing «everything gets terrible slow» bug
    rearrange snippets buttons, add «Snippet Cancel Edit» button
    add snippets hotkeys: for snippet0 — Alt+BackQuote, snippet1 — Alt+1, snippet9 — Alt+9, snippet10 — Alt+0, snippet11 — Alt+Minus, snippet12 — Alt+Equals, snippet13 — Alt+BackSlash, snippet14 — Alt+BackSpace, snippet15 — no hotkey.

Full ChangeLog