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By jbro
#55463 I consistently get the error:

-2 "mqtt.CONN_FAIL_TIMEOUT_RECEIVING" "Timeout waiting for a CONNACK from the broker".

As far as I can tell, the mqtt module has a default CONNACK time out of less than 6 seconds or so. I was unable to find a way to change the timeout period in the Docs. I am using the cloud custom build service, and esp8266-12E. I wrote a barebones mqtt broker with a variable connection delay and I am able to connect to the broker if the delay is less than 6 seconds or so. This is a problem for my system.

Am I missing something? Is this fixable somehow? I did not have this issue with 0.9.6 firmware.

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By jbro
#55556 I know nobody has to give me an answer, but if there is something wrong with my question that is preventing you all from answering me, could someone kindly tell me what I am doing wrong that my question is not being answered? Is it a dumb question?
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By devsaurus
#55691 Just a quick guess...

There's MQTT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT in ... mqtt.c#L26. You could try to increase it, maybe this fixes your issue.
Requires local compilation of the firmware though (see ... cker-image).