Discuss here different C compiler set ups, and compiling executables for the ESP8266

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By nhrones
#56395 I'm new to the ESP8266, but I've been using Microsoft's VS-Code successfully with the UNO-R3. It uses Arduino.exe in a task-worker to compile and upload. There are great extensions for both C++ and Arduino in the VSCode market place.
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By ChrisH
nhrones wrote:I'm new to the ESP8266, but I've been using Microsoft's VS-Code successfully with the UNO-R3. It uses Arduino.exe in a task-worker to compile and upload. There are great extensions for both C++ and Arduino in the VSCode market place.
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At first I was like: Hey, that looks like a Atom knock-off.. (It isn't, it's just built on the same framework [which spawned from the Atom project]).

It actually looks good, but I'll probably stick with Atom (especially when I'm up and running with it now!). It seems a bit easier to get started with ESP8266 (and/or Android) with Atom (PlatformIO is good!) than with Code.

But thanks for the tip! :D
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By ssaguiar
#56487 I tried to use eclipse but it crashes after 2 or times I compile something. :evil:
I am using Atom and it works fine.
I just wish to know if I can use the esp8266 sdk with it's C api, because there are more functions.

I mean the apis documented here:

Thanks for any help.