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By DickA
#56463 aREST_UI is an easy way to put control buttons, sliders. labels, etc on your PC screen.
It is included in the Arduino libraries, along with its companion aREST.
An example sketch is include in Arduino for ESP8266 WiFi.
You can easily use this example to put ON and OFF buttons and a label on screen, and add control of an LED.
(If you want to change the button labels you must do it in aREST).
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By DickA
#56465 Now, hopefully someone more familiar with aREST_UI can help me with a problem:

I use Button to successfully turn an LED on/off by writing rest. button(2).
But when I use rest.slider(2) instead, all I see on my scope is noise, whereas I should be seeing PWM.
(When I produce a PWM servo signal from the same GPIO2 pin I see that PWM on the scope.)

Any thoughts?