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By mimidbe
#56505 I had some problems to run the file '' at boot of esp8266.
file '' is edited under ESPLORER, and transfered to the esp8266.
At RESET, it did not work.
the solution must be added an EOL ('\ n') to each line.
import time\n
import machine\n
pin = machine.Pin(2, machine.Pin.OUT)\n

print('Hello world! I can count:')\n
i = 1\n

for i in range(10):\n

so for the developper... could you automate this feature! Thank you in advance. ;)
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By flagtrax
Khyrtsi wrote:Does anyone know if ESplorer is still being developed by 4fr0nt, or is there some fork thats being active developed?

The version I have is v0.2.0-rc5. I believe it said rc6 on github but when I installed it it said rc-5. I think that's the only update I've seen.