- Tue Oct 25, 2016 8:08 am
mrburnette wrote:Take a look at the ESP8266 receiver code in my Tardis Time project.
Essentially, the trick I used was to add:
Code: Select all <...>
UDP.read(packetBuffer, UDP_TX_PACKET_MAX_SIZE); // read
UDP.beginPacket(apIP, UDP.remotePort()); // send a reply
UDP.write(ReplyBuffer); // should not be necessary
UDP.endPacket(); // stablized by the inclusion of the send
hmm, I actually use a similar reply with my code already, mainly because early in my UDP endeavors I was experiencing packet loss and needed to verify the packet was received. I do make sure that the packet received wasn't itself an acknowledged packet first (to prevent a loop) and then send an acknowledge packet back
Code: Select all if (ack && (strcmp(packetBuffer,"acknowledged") != 0))
// send a reply, to the IP address and port that sent us the packet we received
Udp.beginPacket(Udp.remoteIP(), port);
As for the UDP not delivering issue, Everything appeared to be working well until sometime this morning, so it worked and continued to respond for at least 36 hours. I checked before I went to sleep last night and it was still responding but when I woke up this morning, It was still sending "PING" packets to the computer but would not receive packets from the computer.
Edit: So I was working on another project while my prototype ran on the desk beside me, and I noticed the "WiFi Connected" LED flashed off and then back on again, like it lost WiFi for a second then reconnected. I wonder if something like this may be happening and either the ESP or router thinks the connection is completely dead so it drops communication. I added ESP.restart() to the code under the LED off code and I will let it run to see if that helps.