Discuss here different C compiler set ups, and compiling executables for the ESP8266

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By EngKeera
#57272 Yeah, the Arduino IDE was a relief when it finally got my code working. However I am planning to get more performance out my chip, so I guess I'll need some of that low level control you mentioned :D
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By piersfinlayson
#57283 I've published some very simple non-OS SDK sample apps at:


These were originally developed for an esp8266 hackathon workshop I ran at my workplace, to help beginners come up to speed writing, compiling and installing apps on wemos d1 mini boards, and they assume running a linux build environment with esp-open-sdk https://github.com/pfalcon/esp-open-sdk installed.

They show a few techniques like writing to GPIOs, using wifi callbacks, and reading/writing directly to/from flash.