Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By dkinzer
martinayotte wrote:But I've discovered a workaround : instead of placing only a wire, I've put a 1K resistor, that way the deepSleep is working and external reset too !
It is also common practice to connect various reset sources to the reset pin using a diode for each source, thus forming a wire-and. All of the anodes are connected together and connected to the reset pin while each cathode is connected to a separate reset source. It works best to use a diode with a low forward voltage like a Schottky diode.
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By Johnjohn68
#57771 Dear all, thanks a lot for your information. I'm really new on esp programming. I have a question: To record temperature data every a known interval of time, the dsleep() function is perfect (connecting GPIO16 to the RESET). But I also need to acquire data from a rain gauge (that have a reed switch). But I don't understant how I can do it. I want use reed input as external trigger as interrupt, so when the rain activate the reed, it can reset the ESP, without wait the RTC set time. Even more obscure for me, the possibility to use RTC memory to store data. Rain data could be stored in the RTC memory and send it when the ESP wake from deepsleep. Do you have same advice?
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By martinayotte
#57778 Yes ! Having a 10K pull-up on RES along with 1K serie resistor between GPIO16 and RES will let you do an external reset from a reed switch connected between GND and RES.

For RTC data storage, there are examples floating around the forum ...
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By Johnjohn68
#57834 Thanks a lot Martinayotte! One more question, because it is unclear: I wish to acquire data from reed switch (count). Is it possible connet the reed switch between GND and RES for external reset and to a GPIO to get data)?
Have a good day

martinayotte wrote:Yes ! Having a 10K pull-up on RES along with 1K serie resistor between GPIO16 and RES will let you do an external reset from a reed switch connected between GND and RES.

For RTC data storage, there are examples floating around the forum ...