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By mrluck
#58181 Hi Pavel,

you got any new version of the program espresso, please? When I upload software, often lose CR, LF from line end, and the application crashes.
Espresso would be wonderful, but so far I have quite a problems.

Work on a new version of ESPresso is in progress. Should be released in two weeks.
Two possible explanation of your problem come to my mind:
1) LuaSrcDiet.exe that is included in ESPresso distribution is not too robust. It often messes files up. If you 'diet' your files that might be a reason. New ESPresso version will include up to date release of LuaSrcDiet which works way better.
2) ESPresso uses ASCII file transfer method. It's fast but it doesn't care about the end of lines. I observed that NodeMCU stores single LF - even when sent CR+LF via file.write(). New version of ESPresso will include binary transfer method which should overcame this limitation.

So please be patient - I hope that new version will solve your problem.

Best regards,
