Another newbie in need of help here. I built a weather station based on this schematic:

The full instuctable is here:
Instead of nodemcu I used ESP-12E:

It runs in deep sleep mode (RESET connected to GPIO16) and wakes up every minute to send the sensor readings to ThingSpeak.
I put it inside a solar light like this one

Everything works fine but after a couple of hours it stops.
Here is some charts from ThingSpeak that show the measured temperature and the battery level:
Temperature (C)
Battery level
Initially I suspected it was drawing too much current but this is not the case - the battery is not discharged.
I think it is just unstable and cannot wake up from deep sleep at some point. Are there any additional pins that I have to wire to VCC or GND?
For example according this GPIO 0 should be LOW during flashing and HIGH when running. I do not have this connected to anything:

If it has to be connected to VCC do I need a resistor?