So far, ESP works fine, meaning that it connects to my access point and gets an IP address from DHCP. Also the OLED works fine too.
I am running into some issues.
- 1. I can't find an appropriate library to make BME280 to work. I was able to do this successfully on arduinos but no luck with the ESPs. I have tried the BME280 library and the Adafruit one with no avail. Wiring is correct, it's only 2 pins SDA/SCL which connect to the GPIOs: 0,2 on the ESP module. I first thought it was the OLED which connects at the same pins but then I thought that it's i2c so it will be just fine.
- 2. My usb connection stops working after disconnecting and re-connecting USB on a macbook. I've read that USB power is not sufficient to power the ESP8266 and considering I've also connected an OLED, it might be the issue. Anyone that has faced the same issue ?
Thanks in advance for the replies !