Place to put your Basic demos and examples

Moderator: Mmiscool

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By Atmega8
#58348 Hello,

i own an esp8266/Nodemcu.
I have some "reading knowledge" of espbasic, nothing else.
The communication model is exactly like this:

Computer -> Putty-> Telnet ( TCP/IP) -> WIFI-> Esp8266 ( Nodemcu) -> serial/rs232 -> Device , and vice versa.

Problem seems to be, that there is no Implemenation of TCP/IP Funktions, just only UDP in espbasic?!

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By Electroguard
#58351 Esp_Basic includes Telnet client but I don't think it has Telnet server, so as far as I know you can't connect as a Telnet client from a computer on the other side of the world to a remote ESP_Basic device acting as Telnet server connected by serial to your remote router or whatever (you'd need something more powerful like a Ras Pi).

So how did you intend connecting to the Esp_Basic wifi device... from a serial terminal on a computer on the same local wifi network?

If the answer is yes, then forget Telnet server and client, and (as previously explained) just use 2 Esp_Basic devices acting simply as a wifi serial port extender between the computer serial terminal and your remote device serial port.
(The computer could be remotely accessed from the other side of the world if wished)
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By rudy
#58353 Maybe you should get more than reading knowledge. Start with some examples of what other people have posted. Get some familiarity with how to do things.

Start small and do more once you understand what you are working with.
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By Mmiscool
#58357 There is currently no tcp server in esp basic. It might be possible to use the super simple wifi serial termial example. Currently it uses the browser as an interactive terminal with the remote device.

I will look for the thread but i think it was in the example section.