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By Lxx33
#58767 Even with your help, I did not manage to get the Oled working with the u8glib.
I tried squix78/esp8266-oled-ssd1306 library, connect the SCL and SDA to pin D3 & D5 and it works like a charm.

Still hoping to get the u8glib working (because I see so many nice thinks you can do with it), but for now I'm staying with squix78's library, cause that did it for me.

Many tnx so far ;)
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By rudy
edwin wrote:Rudy, thanks. Well, yes and no. It isnt the relabelling that confuses me as i thought i had that covered, but the fact someone says he is using D0 and D2 and then declares Wire.begin(0,2) rather than Wire.begin(D0,D2) because as far as I know the compiler doesnt interpret that the same, regardless which ESPboard is used.

It is not about the extra pins of the flash memory, that is a complete separate issue.

OK I got it. What I think happens is that D0 and D2 (or any other Dx) is defined as being 0, 2, or whatever. But that is dependant on what board you select when you compile. Just like the Arduino boards (Uno, Mega, etc.) do not use the native port designation. So if someone selects a NodeMCU board then they might use different D(port) numbers that someone who would compile with a generic board, or one that follows the manufacturer's native designation.

Of course this can cause confusion, as you know.