I had been waiting to hear back from Michael with a number of queries that I had, but I discovered that he had actually amended his on-line documentation in response to my queries - he just didn't tell me!
So please find attached the latest versions.
The putrid purple has been changed to blue, which reproduces well on monochrome printers; the things that have been added or amended since the last time have been highlighted in red in both the Table of Contents and the Index; and after many hours slaving over the Word VBA Reference (geez!) I managed to produce a macro that allows both the ToC and the Index in the .pdf version to be hyperlinked. So you can now click on any command or function and go straight there.
I am sure there will be many more changes to come but at least now I can create a hyperlinked index reasonably easily. I just need to know when and what changes are made!
PS - I still don't know how to make these files 'stickies', as has been suggested by a few people. Anyone?