General area when it fits no where else

Moderator: Mmiscool

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By heckler
#59265 Hey Group,

So in my sonoff timeswitch module code the module gets the time from NTP once a day. Currently if I let the module run for several days and then check its webpage it shows several line entrys with the time that was synced (one for each day since reset). Over time I believe this will fill up the webpage with multiple lines each time the Time was updated.

Is there a way to cause the WPRINT command to first locate to a certain line/column before it does the print??
Or is there some other html directive to locate the cursor to a certain spot before the WPRINT is executed??

I know that I can CLS the webpage (and maybe I should at least once a day to prevent other bugs and issues) But it would be nice to be able to define the location for the cursor to be for a given print command.

thanks for any help or guidance.