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By vickeyhort
AcmeUK wrote:I can only see
Code: Select all state = client.ReadSPIFFS("12");
in relay.ino. I cannot see an equivalent write.

I have added a few methods in my blog post recently, through it is still incomplete but you will find your answer there. Here is the link.
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By vickeyhort
AcmeUK wrote:Got it. Thanks for your reply.

Is there a way to initialise the Object variable at compile time?

I want to periodically wake an esp from deep-sleep and I need to know if it is the first time since power on.

Unit gets time from server when boots up, However, It also reads Flash memory for last time data saved. Normally Time is saved in Flash memory every 5 minutes. You can also save or retrieve time to or from Flash memory. Visit my blog post and find "Fetch Time, Sunrise and Sunset" heading under "Client API" and "Push Time data to ESP8266 units" under "Server API".