Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By gregg1701
#59676 Hello!
What are power requirements for this amazing device? :?: I have one connected to a 3.3v based FTDI Basic from Sparkfun and its stuck in an infinite loop. :?:

By contrast I managed to get a different one to work, whilst powered by an improvised supply, a pair of double A batteries. :o

I do not want to try powering either of them or third one powered by a low mAH LiPo battery for fear of causing damage as the battery is supposed to put out a nominal 3.7 volts. :roll: :!:
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By Protowrxs
#59710 Just my few cents but what I've seen of others work the -01 at least can pull up to 200ma or so especially at startup.

It's enough to reset an Arduino Nano 3.3v output which is rated 150ma at least... don't ask me how I know. :roll:

I have one FTDI adapter that powers them fine but other different ones that will not.

I do have some 3.3v regulators that drive my various remote Temp/Humidity loggers fine with a 5v wall wart power pack though.

Again, my few cents..
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By Barnabybear
#59730 Hi, the working voltage is given as 3.0 to 3.6V in the data sheet. I have used a LiPo battery with a silicon diode in series with the posative (drops 0.5 to 0.7V), as part of an ESP based LED clock for 6 months + without issue. Just check the voltage to the ESP when you are charging the LiPo. ... N-v4.3.pdf
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